Sunday, August 3, 2008


The newest issue with Ainsley has been a sleeping schedule. Before Ainsley, I never thought much about sleeping. Josh and I would go to bed around 10 at night and then wake up around 6 in the morning for work. When you have a baby, sleeping is a whole different story. After the first 6 weeks with Ainsley, sleeping got better and better. However, I got into a pretty bad habit of staying up really late with her thinking that the more tired she was the longer she would sleep through the night. After going to New Braunfels a few weeks ago, I noticed that my baby was the only one still wide awake at 11 pm. The other babies had been asleep since 7 or 8. I also started thinking about going back to work and how I would need to go to bed earlier. Plus, Ainsley will need to get up early with me and take a nap when the other babies are napping in daycare. My cousins suggested a book to me called Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby. I have already read most of it but now I am wondering if I am putting too much emphasis on sleeping. Maybe it is just because it is the first week. The book says a 4 month old should sleep from about 7pm to 7 am and then nap at 9am and 1pm. The hardest part is that Ainsley should be sleeping in her crib during nap time- which means we should be home most of the day.
I wrote earlier this week that Ainsley has started sleeping in her crib. Well, the first night was great, but since then we have been up a lot at night. I know it will get better - I hope it is just a change in environment and schedule that is keeping her up. Here are some pictures to show you how Ainsley feels.
This is the cradle in our room where Ainsley sleeps well

Ainsley also loves to sleep in her swing

This is where Ainsley should be sleeping now. Notice: She isn't sleeping

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